Developer | Trainer | More


I have worked part-time as a Technical Trainer for Webucator for 5 years, since I was a senior in high school. I provide support through a self-paced course platform that I built for the 200+ students enrolled at any given time in 25 different web development and design courses ranging from HTML to React to Adobe InDesign.

I enjoy teaching and helping beginner web designers and developers. In addition to answering any content-related questions they might have, I also encourage them when they get frustrated, help them with setup issues, and use their feedback to make sure that Webucator's course content and platform continues to provide a great experience.

I have also edited and created course content and materials for:

  • Introduction to CSS
  • Introduction to PostgreSQL - additionally created video content.
  • Introduction to Sass
  • Introduction to Python
  • Introduction to Django - created project template integrating Django and Vue.